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Tips For Adopting Rescue Dogs

May 15, 2024

Are you thinking about adopting a dog? If so, you might want to think about getting a rescue. Many of our patients are rescues who once struggled but are now living their best lives as loving pets. This article features a local Watertown, WI veterinarian discussing rescue dogs.

What Are The Benefits Of Adopting A Rescued Dog?

We love to see rescued dogs go to loving homes. In fact, many people claim that their rescue dogs are the best pets they’ve ever owned. This makes sense. Fido is clearly intelligent enough to recognize and appreciate someone who is taking care of him and being kind. Rescue dogs are frequently highly loyal and affectionate. You also get to choose your ideal pooch! Rescue dogs are available in every shape, size, color, breed, age, and activity level. Many rescue pups are also rather inexpensive to adopt. Furthermore, they may already be mended and trained. Furthermore, the first time Fido looks at you or wags his tail, your heart may melt completely. Furthermore, the first time Fido looks at you or wags his tail, your heart may melt completely.

What Is The 3/3/3 Rule For Adopting Dogs?

The rule states that it will take your new puppy about three days to adjust to his new surroundings, three weeks to settle in, and three months to truly feel safe and loved.

This is a recommendation, not a universal rule. It’s a way to remind folks that our canine companions sometimes need some time to adjust to substantial changes, such as moving to a new house. Even if Fido finds an ideal and loving permanent home (as we think that all dogs deserve), it will take time for him to acclimate to the change. 

How Do I Apply the 3/3/3 Rescue Dog Rule?

The 3-3-3 rule is a guideline for easing a rescue dog into its new environment and helping it settle in. It proposes that the first three days should be spent adjusting to its new surroundings, the next three weeks for training and bonding, and the first three months for ongoing socializing and training.

Days 1-3

Right now, all you want to do is help Fido feel safe. Make sure he has a comfortable, quiet space to unwind and settle in. While you don’t want to go overboard with treats, we can’t deny that these are great for bonding. This is a terrific time to serve some tasty nibbles. Use modest portions to avoid overfeeding your dog. 

Don’t force attention on Fido; instead, talk to him in a friendly tone. If he enjoys being petted, indulge him; if he is shy, simply give him time.

When you first bring home a dog, especially one from a shelter, he may sleep quite a bit. The shelter environment can be very scary and stressful for dogs. Your furry pal may simply need some extra naps as he decompresses.

Week 1-3

Once your canine buddy has had time to adjust to his new surroundings, it is time to focus on bonding and any necessary training. Take Fido for daily walks and make time to play with him.

When walking your dog, use a firm leash. He may have phobias or eccentricities that you are unaware of, such as a preoccupation with squirrels or a dread of dogs. That way, if he attempts to flee unexpectedly, you’ll have a firm grip on him.

Your dog should also visit his new veterinarian. Even if he has been fixed and vaccinated, he will require a full nose-to-tail examination. This is an excellent moment to seek specialized guidance on his care needs.

Fido may put you to the test during this stage. If you encounter speed bumps or behavioral difficulties, consult your veterinarian for advice.

We would also recommend obtaining a dog DNA test, especially if Fido is a mix. This can be highly enlightening, providing you with useful information about Fido’s behavior as well as any health conditions he may be prone to.

Month 1–3

You and Fido should have come to know each other by now. It is critical to focus on developing a link of love and trust. Taking your dog to locations like parks might make him feel more secure and happy. It’s also vital to stick to your canine buddy’s schedule. Your canine companion should now be firmly entrenched as a member of the family.

Should I Crate Fido At Night?

There is no uniform yes or no answer to this. Many dogs feel safer in crates. They offer Fido a snug little den where nothing can sneak up on him as he sleeps. However, if your pup has been kenneled for an extended period of time or has a negative association with kennels, you should avoid forcing it.

One method is to train your furry pal to go inside his kennel while leaving the door open. You can also store the crate in your bedroom. Fido may feel safer around you. Alternatively, he may want to feel like he’s doing his ‘job’ and keeping an eye on you.

This will also somewhat depend on your home setup, and whether or not you have other pets. Ask your vet for recommendations.

What Are Some Common Mistakes When Adopting A Rescued Dog?

Knowing which mistakes to avoid might be just as useful as knowing what you should be doing. There are certain clear don’ts to bear in mind here.

Keep Things Positive

Positive reinforcement is really important in this situation. If Fido makes a mess, do not discipline him. You can chastise him verbally, but anything more may scare him.

Don’t Skip Petproofing

Each of our canine buddies is special. While one pooch may ignore your shoes and houseplants, another may be determined to devour them. Make your home safe by addressing any potential dangers. This includes poisonous plants, small or sharp things, chemicals, medications, plastic bags, personal goods, and wires. Ask your vet for tips.

Do Not Rush Anything

Giving a rescued dog another chance can be incredibly gratifying. Witnessing a dog thrive with love and care is always heartwarming. However, Fido may be confused, afraid, or even melancholy at first, whether he is recovering from trauma, coping with change, or perhaps just because he misses his previous owner. Be patient! The biggest mistake many people make is attempting to force a dog to integrate too early. Rescues often need time, training, and, most importantly, love.

Is There A Rescue Dog Day?

Yes! Every year on May 20th, Rescue Dog Day takes place. This is a relatively new pet holiday, founded in 2018 by children’s book author Lisa Wiehebrink. She is the executive director of Tails That Teach, which teaches children about pets. She established Rescue Dog Day in honor of her own rescue dog, Cooper. Ultimately, there are two aims here. It’s officially time to honor the ‘pawesome’ rescue dogs who have won our hearts, completed our families, and simply added love and joy to our lives, replete with joyful dances, tail wags, and snoot boops. The other goal would be to encourage those thinking about adopting a puppy to consider a rescue.

Contact Your Watertown, WI Pet Clinic

Do you have any questions about caring for a rescued dog? Contact us here at your  Watertown, WI vet hospital today! As your local pet hospital, we are always happy to help!