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New Year’s Resolutions for Dog Owners

January 1, 2016

Are you planning to make some New Year’s Resolutions this year? If so, why not incorporate your furry best friend into your goals? A local Oconomowoc, WI, vet offers some suggestions for pet owners to make this New Year’s Day. Some of them aren’t very different from the ones we make for ourselves!

Keep Fido At A Healthy Weight

We know, chubby dogs are cute, but those extra pounds are very bad for your pet’s health. Dogs that are overweight or obese face higher risks of developing several serious health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and liver trouble. If you know or suspect that your furry pal is, well, not just fluffy, contact your vet for nutritional counseling.

Provide Proper Exercise

Exercise is very important to your dog’s health and well-being. While Fido’s exercise requirements will depend on his age, weight, health, and breed, all dogs need some form of activity, even if it’s just a daily walk. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Keep Up With Wellness Care

Proper veterinary care is crucial to your pet’s health. Be sure to keep up on your canine buddy’s parasite control and recommended vaccinations, and have him examined at least once a year. In between visits, keep an eye out for any possible signs of sickness, and call your vet ASAP if you notice anything amiss.

Visit New Places

It’s no secret that Fido loves to explore! Take time to relax and unwind and enjoy a change of scenery with your pooch. Visit a doggy park or explore a new trail.


This one applies to both people and pets! Life can get pretty hectic, so be sure to carve out some time for fun. Play a game of fetch with your canine buddy, or play tag with him. This will be just as good for you as it is for Fido!

Walk More

Daily walks help keep dogs stimulated and active. They’re also a great way for you to relax and collect your thoughts. Let Fido sniff the grass, and just enjoy the moment.

Spend Some Quality Time Together

Last but not least, spend some quiet quality time with your furry best friend. A dog’s love is a beautiful gift: take time to enjoy it!

Is your dog overdue for shots or an exam? We can help! Contact us, your Oconomowoc, WI vet clinic, today!