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4 Times to Consider Boarding Your Dog

Your dog is more than just a pet. Fido is a confidante, companion, and a loyal friend. Unfortunately, our canine buddies can’t go everywhere with us. There’s a good chance that, sooner or later, you’ll need to board your furry…

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Multi-Cat Households

One wonderful thing about cats is that they can be quite versatile. Fluffy can do well as an only pet, but she is often just as content with some feline roommates. While many multi-cat households have happy furballs that get…

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Doggy Paw Care

Does your dog sometimes put his paw on your leg? This is definitely one of Fido’s cutest habits! Those furry feet are actually crucial to your pet’s health and well-being. Your canine pal’s paws let him bounce with excitement when…

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Tips for Bathing Cats

One thing that we love about cats is the fact that they are naturally quite clean. Your kitty will use her own private litterbox to discretely do her business, and will carefully groom herself every day. Even though kitties are…

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How to Teach Your Cat Proper Scratching Habits

Is your kitty shredding your sofa? Fluffy has many endearing traits: that adorable face, her cute antics, and her lovable purrsonality are all very charming. Your cute little furball isn’t perfect, however. One habit cats have that often frustrates their…

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New Year’s Resolutions for Dog Owners

Are you planning to make some New Year’s Resolutions this year? If so, why not incorporate your furry best friend into your goals? A local Oconomowoc, WI, vet offers some suggestions for pet owners to make this New Year’s Day….

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Helping a Timid Cat Shine

Do you have a shy kitty? Cats all have their own unique purrsonalities. Some cats are very friendly and sociable, while others are more wary and shy. While you may never be able to turn a bashful furball into an…

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Caring for a Dog in Winter

Can you believe winter is almost upon us? Don’t forget to include Fido in your winter preparations! Below, a local Oconomowoc, WI vet discusses caring for your canine buddy during the cold season. Weather Our canine friends are much happier…

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Animal Health Center
1147 Boughton St.
Watertown, WI 53094

t: (920) 261-4020
f: (920) 261-7484

Also serving Oconomowoc, WI and surrounding areas.


Monday: 8am – 6pm
Tuesday: 8am – 5pm
Wednesday: 8am to Noon
Thursday: Noon – 8pm
Friday: 8am to Noon for appointments, Noon to 5pm lobby only.

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