Your rambunctious new kitten Sophie doesn’t realize her life has changed. You just adopted this charming girl from your city’s animal shelter. She has already explored her spacious living quarters, and happily approves of her plush comfy bed. This spunky miniature cat has also discovered the joys of cat toys. Tomorrow, Sophie will meet your Oconomowoc vet, who will give her a new patient exam and prescribe a nutritious kitten-focused diet. By consuming the proper life-stage food, she’ll have an excellent chance for a healthy life.
Feisty little Sophie is almost constantly in motion. Multiple times each day, she races through the house like an elusive spirit. She also vigorously torments her cat toys. Besides her demanding workouts, her tiny body is developing very quickly. To meet her explosive energy needs, she requires a high-calorie kitten blend containing additional protein. If she consumed less-than-ideal food, she could become sick or experience substandard growth.
When Sophie reaches breeding age, you’ll have her spayed so she doesn’t make the pet overpopulation problem worse. However, you’ve planned to foster cats for an animal rescue group. You’ll likely encounter at least one pregnant female who’s feeding herself and her developing offspring. This expectant mother should receive a top-notch diet containing essential nutrients. With proper nourishment, she’s also better able to avoid certain medical conditions.
Frenetic little Sophie will someday become a feline senior citizen. As a dignified older cat, she could face mobility issues and/or a chronic medical condition. First, the vet will address her health issue. Next, he’ll consider a special food that enhances your companion’s treatment plan.
Cats can become pudgy, and even obese, from gobbling up too many calories for their reduced exercise levels. Surprisingly, they can also pack on pounds from consuming the wrong life-stage food.
Maybe crazy little Sophie has become a lethargic middle-aged cat who prefers to sleep all day. If she still dines on high-calorie kitten chow, she’s likely headed for unwelcome (and unhealthy) weight gain.
As Sophie becomes a mature cat, your Oconomowoc vet will continue her regular physical checkups. He’ll also resolve developing medical conditions. As your cat’s nutritional needs change, the vet will fine-tune her diet accordingly. To give your feline housemate the proper nourishment, contact us for expert assistance.